The Temple on the Temple Mount had been built and blessed as diamond on ring to represent the brotherhood, harmony and wisdom of humanity. After Solomon, wisdom had been lost due to arrogance, covetousness, envy, meanness, etc. but struggle for power had been blazed up. By increase of struggle for power, unity had collapsed. Then each nation had tasted grudge of others nations and fractions in it. And Temple had been demolished since it lost its meaning by losing brotherhood, harmony and wisdom.
Second time, they had built Temple again by imagine of establishing such unity, but they could not achieve their purpose since no enough stress made on brotherhood, harmony and wisdom. And they had thought that the wish of God was to build and protect the Temple but as heard in the words of Jesus, and events after Him, wish of God is so apart from performing some rituals, and keeping some stones but it is to change the view point to humanity and the world.
So, Jews living during the period of Jesus were wanting and waiting a Christ to rule over the world as today's Jews. At the end, God sent the Jesus as the Christ but the side effects of waiting had started to be seen. Although Jesus was not showing but almost scattering many miracles to prove who he was, Jesus was not as the Christ that they waited. The Christ in their minds had had to act as a political leader of a nation, so He had had to focus to urge His nation against others and speak to provoke the superiority complex of His nation as a agitators and demagog but He acted as a moral teacher and a wise person.
He did not address to emotions of His people but their consciences by the words of “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men. You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven”. And He had shaken them and their understandings, comprehensions, and their established system. When the monks had opposed and resisted against Him, He had criticized them as they prevented people from the way of Moses, David and Solomon, and they made the way income method for themselves.
Of course, they could not forgive Jesus shaking their established system, even if He was the Christ wanted and waited for centuries. They had played many tricks, and arranged many smear campaigns against the Christ wanted and waited for centuries by their people. And the people wanting and waiting Him left Him alone and denied Him that they had welcomed Him as the Christ when He had entered into Jerusalem, and betrayed Him by nailing Him on Cross. But the Crossing had not completed, namely His legs had not broken and no spear had been stuck Him.
After Jesus, They had been punished by God by urging his paganist but strong creatures called Rome upon them. Romans wanted to built Jupiter Temple next the Temple of Solomon to show harmony of Rome that they had paid many attentions as a symbol and Jesus implied it and any other symbol did not have so importance against truth by saying He could demolish it and rebuilt in ten days. Of course they rejected this offer and Rome had destroyed the Temple and the city having name of Jerusalem namely Land of the Peace but not having the real Peace in it.
History is not the accumulation of coincidences but message of God to us. By preferring the pagaists against nation that He had chosen to guide humanity, God confirms the message of “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.”
But sons of that people have still been waiting the Christ, and trying to build Temple, hence they have still continuing to same blindness as rest of the world. Because, as in the word of Jesus, important one is human not any stone, rock or anything else, and “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath”.
So how happy is one not paying attention on stones and other meaningless things but wisdom, harmony and brotherhood.
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