Jesus was the son of Saint Mary. She was the first girl dedicated to Temple by her mother before her birth. Before Jesus, she had spent her time by praying, fasting and mentioning the God as nuns. And she had never married or engaged to marry with anyone before her virgin pregnancy.
She had not impregnated by God or angel but God made her informed by angel on her pregnancy. So, creation of Jesus was similar with the creation of Adam. The God had said “be” and He had been.
After birth of Jesus, Saint Mary was ordered to go to Jerusalem, and also said that she had must sign that she was in fast and her Son would acquit her before people of Jerusalem. And there was the first sign/miracle of Jesus. When His mother pointed him to speak, He as a new born baby started to speak and acquited his mother and stated who he was.
Then Saint Mary and Jesus had been taken to Egypt by Joseph, the student and supporter of prophet Zechariah to protect them from prosecution and torture of King Herod. It is understood that Joseph and Saint Mary had been married and had many other children during that period.
In fact, it never means that Saint Mary had lost her purity and chastity by marring, because the thing making human dirty is not just to feel sensuality but to act by that feeling without taking its responsibility. And marriage is a declaration of intent to take responsibility. It is also valid for all other feelings in the heart of human.
Human can feel all these feelings of grudge, envy, anger, arrogance, pharisee, hostility, greed etc. since these feelings make life colorful, dynamic and active but they all must be controlled by human by mercy, wisdom, right, justice, contentedness, and death giving the actual meaning to this life and the world, and they must not control human. Although all these feelings have their own place in whole and harmony, but when those feelings control human, human becomes a monster not a real human.
After the death of Herod, they had returned to Jerusalem and grown under the supervision of Zechariah with John the Baptist. Later he went to other groups to know them. When the time had come, He started the Mission as the Christ, the demanded one to guide and salve them firstly from their prejudgments and conditionings.
And His main message can be found openly in Matta 5. But this message was not the message waited by Jewish community as our predecessors. They were waiting message as message of political leaders. In their opinion, He had must speak in accordance with their acceptances and must approve their practices but He had never accepted to approve their practices but could not approve them since their practices were as the practice of Pharaoh not Moses.
He never said new words but repeated the words of previous chosen ones, since there is just one truth and all had charged to remind the truth to the people. And the Truth is as in the expression of "we have one lord and if we want salve ourselves, we must firstly disclaim ourselves".
But His people had not followed His words, since these words had charged them responsibility against others. And this is very hard way to walk for humans since they never want to be servant, slave but want to be ones chosen and blessed by God as kings, popes, stars etc. In fact, human is blessed by God just by serving and taking care of others not trying to be ruler or god of them. Unfortunately, as I said above, being servant or slave is a mission disdained by most of humans.
So, how happy is one who hears the word of Christ and follows them as guidance for salvation.