As you know, the word of Christ comes from Greek word “Khristós” as translation of Hebrew word Messiah. It means the the anointed one, namely the one chosen by God to salvation of Jews and then humanity.
In fact, during all crisis period, humans under trouble seek a salvor to salvage them from that circumstance.
In bible, for example, Moses was a salvor for Hebrews as downtrodden people of Egypt under cruelty of Pharaoh. They had followed the Moses and then salvaged. But later, they had not wanted to follow the Moses any more and they had been punished.
As Moses, Saul was also a messiah for Hebrews chosen by God and anointed by prophet Samuel I. He had also been supported by his people and gained victory over others.
As others, Jesus was also a messiah firstly but not only Hebrews under pressure of Rome. He had shown many signs/miracles to prove that He was the Christ demanded by faithful prays of Hebrews from God to be salvaged. But He had not called them to support Him with their swords but their hearts. Because nobody could guarantee that ones supporting just with swords supported Him for truth, justice or goodness and no christ could act just a political leader of peoples that He appeared in.
According to gospels, He said in brief that “if you want to govern all world, firstly you must govern yourselves” and “if you want to correct all humanity, first of all you must correct yourselves”, and obviously said "sabbath is for humans, but humans not for sahbbat" namely the rules for humans and not humans for rules.
This main message was not the message waited by Hebrews. They had not demanded a Messiah from God to correct themselves and shake their established system but he had to guide them as a King not a moral teacher. And also His message had shaken the status of Jewish scholars.
And then Jewish scholars had started a campaign against Jesus. And when the supporter of Jesus the Christ faced with campaign of established system (status quo) represented by scholars (monks), so the ones seen his miracles and confirmed that He was the Chirst had left Him alone, even His most faithful supporter Peter had denied Him three times before crow.
They had not just left him alone but also denied him and then betrayed him by choosing Barabbas when Pilate had wanted them to choose one of the two whilst they had welcomed Him as the Christ when He entered into Jarusalem.
But later, the main massage had been removed by a man presenting himself as representative of Jesus and transforming Him from the One to be followed to the God to be worshiped as pagans' other Gods as Apollon, Mitra, Osiris etc.
So, how happy is he/she who tries to be salt of the world by performing goodness for all as in His words in gospels.